Monday, September 03, 2012

Goals for week beginning 9/2/2012

The New Hampshire Troubadour cover for September 1947
 How the weeks are flying by!  I simply cannot believe that is now September!  Back many months ago when our daughter, son-in-law and four little ones told us about their planned visit for September, it seemed a long way off.  Loads of time to plan and prepare.  I've been working at planning pretty seriously for the last 4-6 weeks, but a lot of the actual preparation needed to be done much closer to the time.  Now it's coming close ... they'll be here 2 weeks from tomorrow!  I'm thrilled for their sakes (and ours too) that they are coming at a prettier, more hospitable time of year for our area.  (They usually have come in the winter.)  There will be more to see and do and more outdoor playtime for the kiddos.  I will try and keep up with posting some while they're here so you can see what we're up to.  Meanwhile ....

Here are my goals for the week:

*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 1 for new study
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Limit sugar
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays and Christmas, plus maybe a dress for a granddaughter
*  Make an ironing board cover
*  Exercise 5 to 6 times
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for  Zone 2, the kitchen
*  Decorate for fall
*  Do better at staying in touch with friends and faraway family
* Do some serious planning and preparing for our family's visit in mid-September
*  Clean several closets; free up some drawer space in dressers
*  Weed garden and keep up with harvesting vegetables and herbs
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do.

And here's how last week went:

*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 12 - DONE!
*  Limit sugar -- did okay with the beginning of the week, not so well toward the end.
*  Keep up with crafting goals for UFOs and Christmas, plus maybe a dress for a granddaughter -- well, I worked on a birthday gift and made curtains for the dining room, so crafting got done -- just not what I planned!
*  Exercise 5 to 6 times -- DONE!
*  Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- managed this maybe half the time.
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs  --- nope.  Posted once in each blog.  Sad.
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for  Zone 4, the bedrooms and Zone 5, the living room -- didn't really keep up with these, but did get some things done in Zone 4.
*  Do better at staying in touch with friends and faraway family -- didn't do as much as I'd hoped.
* Do some serious planning and preparing for our family's visit in mid-September -- planning done, preparing not so much.
*  Clean several closets; free up some drawer space in dressers -- not done.
*  Weed garden and keep up with harvesting vegetables and herbs -- harvesting done, weeding not.
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!

As always, I hope for a productive week.  Realistically, though, I'll be at a ladies' retreat over the weekend, so my week will be shorter than usually.  However, I pray that the weekend will be a spiritual "shot in the arm" and that much will be accomplished in the lives of all of us who will be blessed to attend.


  1. I know you cannot wait to see your daughter and her family!! Sometimes I forget how blessed I am to have all of my chlldren fairly close by!! Loved the picture you serene!!

  2. You're right, Arlene ... you are blessed indeed to have them all fairly close by! When Joanna got married, Mr. T promised me we would be able to see her once a year if possible. He has kept that promise. Of course, we were out there last fall, but they have not been out here since January 2010. So it is a wonderful thing that they're coming.

    Yes, the picture is lovely, isn't it? It is a photo [a vintage magazine cover which I scanned], though it's hard to tell that from the muted look of the colors. It does look so peaceful and serene, you're right.

  3. We are so excited for you that you are going to see Joanna and her family. It is sometimes difficult to plan those get togethers with faraway family. We find the rising gas prices make our visits further and further apart. I am so glad that my Grandma is near and I have a brother that often comes by for a visit. Enjoy your time with your family. Looking forward to hearing all about your visits.

  4. We're excited too, Nikki, as I'm sure you can tell! We are thankful for frequent flier miles that are making their trip affordable. We have a lot of fun times planned and I will blog about them as time allows, so stay tuned!


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