Monday, August 27, 2012

Goals for week beginning 8/26/2012

Newfound Lake from Little Sugarloaf
Another busy week!  It wasn't as busy as the weeks preceding it, but still there was plenty to do.  I am very pleased to have spent the time I wanted to in the category of my schedule that has to do with pursuing spiritual growth.  It seems sort of cold-blooded to put spiritual growth on my schedule -- but I know myself.  If I don't make a plan for pursuing spiritual growth, and carve out time for the important activities that will help bring that growth about, it just won't happen.  So, with no apologies to myself or anyone else, I will continue to schedule in important things like Bible reading, Bible study, reading growth-promoting Christian books, prayer, and adding to my prayer journal.

Here are my goals for this week:

*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 12
*  Limit sugar
*  Keep up with crafting goals for UFOs and Christmas, plus maybe a dress for a granddaughter
*  Exercise 5 to 6 times
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for  Zone 4, the bedrooms and Zone 5, the living room
*  Do better at staying in touch with friends and faraway family
* Do some serious planning and preparing for our family's visit in mid-September
*  Clean several closets; free up some drawer space in dressers
*  Weed garden and keep up with harvesting vegetables and herbs
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do.

And here's how last week went:

*  Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 12  -- Not quite finished but spent lots of time on it, so I'm calling it DONE!
*  Limit sugar -- managed only a couple of days of this.
*  Keep up with crafting goals for UFOs and Christmas, plus maybe a dress for a granddaughter -- didn't accomplish all I would like to.
*  Exercise 5 to 6 times -- yes!  6 times!  DONE!
*  Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- DONE!
*  Post regularly in one or both of my blogs -- not as much as I hoped to.
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for Zone 3, the bathrooms and Zone 4, the bedrooms -- I can call Zone 3 DONE! (if one is ever really done with cleaning) but accomplished nothing in Zone 4.
*  Do better at staying in touch with friends and faraway family -- DONE!
* Add 2 pages to prayer journal -- DONE!
*  Weed garden -- not done.
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!

I am very thankful for all that I got done in the past week, but as always, I hope to be more productive in this coming week!


  1. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to Mrs T!! You are an inspiration!

  2. Thanks, Arlene! It is always wonderful to have you visit.

    Hope you and Marvin have a wonderful weekend at Gulf Shores!


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