Better late than never, I guess. Life has been exceedingly busy with our house guests. There is just not time to get to the computer and post much of anything. We spent the entire day on Monday at the ocean. Very beautiful, but our camera battery has died and Mr. T has had no time to even think about it (it goes without saying that I haven't had time either), so we will be relying on others' photos. When I get some, I will post a few!
Anyway, as for my goals, they remain:
* Have a meaningful daily quiet time each day.
* Continue to plan carefully, yet remain flexible.
* Eat healthfully and get enough sleep.
* Keep up with basic homemaking needs so all will be comfortable and as orderly as possible.
* Make lots of unforgettable memories!
And here are some specific goals I'd like to accomplish this week:
* Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study
* Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook
* Limit sugar
* Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays
* Exercise or walk as often as possible
* Keep up a good water intake
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
* Post here about the ladies' retreat
* Harvest basil; make pesto and basil butter
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do.
Here's how last week went as far as general goals:
* Have a meaningful daily quiet time each day -- DONE!
* Continue to plan carefully, yet remain flexible -- DONE!
* Eat healthfully and get enough sleep -- did pretty well with this.
* Keep up with basic homemaking needs so all will be comfortable and as orderly as possible -- did pretty well with this.
* Make lots of unforgettable memories -- DONE!
And as for my specific goals:
* Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study -- not done
* Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook -- not done
* Limit sugar -- did okay with this, not the greatest
* Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays -- not done
* Exercise or walk as often as possible -- not done
* Keep up a good water intake -- not the greatest
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- DONE!
* Post here about the ladies' retreat -- not done
* Harvest basil; make pesto and basil butter -- not done
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE on most days.
I am thankful that my general goals are getting accomplished and that I have managed a couple of my specific goals. I'm attempting to be realistic with them!
Salmon Caesar Salad
4 hours ago
Most important goal of the week... making unforgettable memories!!!
Definitely! And we surely did. Mr. T and I took very few pictures as our camera was acting up a lot of the time, but I will post some soon, Lord willing.