So it's Wednesday again, and time for the Wednesday Medley hosted by Terri at Your Friend from Florida! Terri asks the questions and bloggers come up with their own answers.
Wouldn't you like to join in? It's easy, and could make for a fun blog post on a wintry day. This week's questions have a strawberry theme, which is really appealing to me. Maybe to you too? Just head over to Terri's blog, get the questions, then copy, paste, and answer them on your own blog. Then you can go back to Terri's and link up, if you like. Here goes!
Given all that information on this 🍓National Strawberry Day🍓, do you
have a favorite recipe for strawberries? Would you share it with us?
Oh, I have many favorite recipes using strawberries. The Strawberry Lovers’ Pie is probably one of my favorites. Click the "strawberries" label in the label cloud to see a few more recipes.

Some people think the smaller, northern varieties are sweeter than the
larger berries that grow in the south and in California. What are your
thoughts on that?
I really don't know. I've not yet been to California, and I have never eaten a strawberry in Florida that I remember of. I've certainly eaten strawberries from those states during winter up here in New England, and they are fine, but the New England berries I've picked in New Hampshire and Vermont are definitely smaller and they do seem sweeter. But maybe it's just that they are in season and freshly picked.

3. There is a Strawberry Festival right
here in Plant City, Florida (next town over from Lakeland) and it is a
huge event that lasts 11 days with headliner acts each day. Have you
ever been to a Strawberry Festival?
I don't believe so. I've always thought it would be fun, though. In a way, I have a strawberry festival going on in my kitchen and dining room for much of the year. Strawberry wallpaper in the kitchen (which really needs to be replaced, but ... ) plus a strawberry collection. You can see some of it in this post: A look at my strawberry collection, but if you also type "strawberry collection" into the search box at top left or click on the "strawberries" label in the label cloud at right, you will find even more about it. There are several pages of posts with the "strawberries" label, so if you enjoy picking, eating, or decorating with strawberries you may want to check these out.

4. Strawberries are grown in every US state. Have you ever grown them in your garden?
No, I haven't, but my parents did a few times and my daughters also have. I do have strawberries "planted" on the walls of my kitchen.

Strawberry is the only fruit that has seeds on the outside, and
technically it is not a berry but rather a fruit, and would you be
surprised to learn that strawberries belong to the rose family? Do you
have any strawberry trivia to share with us?
I did know that strawberries belong to the rose family. Here's some trivia for you concerning how I acquired the pitcher below: Now It Can Be Told. If you haven't previously read this, you might enjoy it.
6. Tell us something random about your week!!
Hmmm .... it seems to be getting off to a slow start, as my hubby had Monday off. I accomplished almost nothing that I had planned to do; however, with his help, I accomplished a lot of work at my childhood home: cleaning, sorting, and disposing of items to the dumpster, thrift store, and book drop, and even a visit to a consignment place where we may be able to sell some of the furniture. So a lot got done, and if today (I'm writing this on Tuesday) feels a little slow, that's okay.
That's it! This week's berry delicious medley is a wrap!