Somehow it's Wednesday again, and time for
the Wednesday Medley hosted by Terri at Your Friend from Florida.
This week's questions have to do with National Parchment Day,
which is celebrated the last Wednesday in June. Who knew? Why not head on over to Terri's and get the the questions to answer on your own blog? Here goes:
1. Who knew there was a day to celebrate parchment paper?! Do you ever
use parchment when you bake or cook? Tell us about your favorite way to
use it, please.
My favorite way to use parchment paper is in baking cookies. I love that I don't have to worry about cookies sticking, or washing the cookie sheet in between batches. I used to use teflon liners, but I like the parchment paper so much better!
I also really like the parchment cupcake papers. They work so well for muffins and cupcakes!
2. When Terri thinks of
parchment paper, she usually thinks about special writing or artist
papers. She loves using specialty papers for creating cards or other art
projects. Tell us about a creative way you have used parchment paper
other than to bake with!
Honestly, I can't think of any other way I have used it. I use tracing paper (which looks quite similar) for embroidering words or names on things like pillowcases and baby blankets. I design the words on the computer and print out on tracing paper. Then I just embroider the fabric right through it and tear it away afterward. The lettering on the pillowcases below was done using this technique.
3. Terri used to be in the
cake business and has piped many borders and roses and leaves and
letters, etc., etc. You can make a pastry bag from parchment paper!
Have you ever tried decorating a cake with a pastry bag and specialty
tips? Do you have a picture to share? Don't be shy, now!
Decades ago, when I was younger and much less wise, I made lots of decorated cakes, including two wedding cakes, but have no photos of any of them. I will say I had a lot more enthusiasm than skill. I did learn, while making the wedding cakes, that my hubby was pretty good at making roses!
I should also add that both of my daughters have designed and decorated fabulous birthday cakes for their kids. My younger daughter has done cake decorating professionally.
4. Tell us about something you
baked or cooked in the past week or so that turned out great, parchment
or no parchment. Will you share the recipe?
A friend who was moving gave me some overripe bananas to bake with. I vacillated between muffins and coffeecake and looked at various recipes but nothing seemed just right. In an older Quaker Oats cookbook, I ran across a Banana Crunch Cake that sounded ideal. Sometimes the simpler recipes are still best, after all. It turned out scrumptious and I will plan to post the recipe on Thursday. The Banana Crunch Cake is the one cut in squares toward the middle of the photo.
5. The last Wednesday in June!! How can that be? Has your June flown
by or have you been able to enjoy each day and make it slow down for
It has flown by. It didn't look too busy on paper, but it turned out to be very busy in reality. Hoping I can slow down and enjoy the July days a bit more.
6. Tell us something about your week so far, if you will.
It's dark and rainy today (Tuesday as I write this), but yesterday was nice. My friend and I got out to walk both days, since today's rain didn't begin until late morning. Oh! And yesterday, on our walk, a black bear crossed the road ahead of us! We decided to turn around and walk in the other direction for a few minutes to give her time in case she had cubs along. They often do, this time of year.
Roses along our walking route |
And there you have it -- this week's Wednesday Medley!
(Oh -- and the sweet illustration at the top of the post is from a 1950s calendar page.)