Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday five for June 21

Beautiful graphic by Abby at Little Birdie Blessings
Friday again!  They seem to come around so quickly!  It should be easy to come up with five things I'm thankful for, since three of them happened in one day -- last Saturday. 

1.  One of my cousins and her husband bought the large pine hutch my parents had loved so much.  It had been locally built and they bought it when they added onto their house in the mid-1960s.  What a blessing that this nice piece of furniture went to a home of family members where it will be loved and appreciated, rather than gathering dust in a used-furniture store.

2.  We attended a gorgeous outdoor wedding Saturday afternoon.  It had rained most of Friday and even was raining Saturday morning, but by 2 pm the weather was beautiful and just perfect for a wedding in a lovely setting by a pond.  It was good also to be at a wedding where the Gospel was clearly proclaimed.  Below you see the one and only photo that I took!  The centerpieces were so pretty and so simple.

3.  Sharing a meal and Bible study with our dear young friends on Saturday night, and getting to hold their new baby.  It made Saturday a very full day indeed, but it was such a day of blessings!

4.  A wonderful day in God's house, with His people, on Sunday.  We had several staffers from The Wilds of New England with us.  The young man preached both services, and he and the young ladies helped out with the music also by singing, and playing guitar, cello, and violin.  What a talented group of young people!  It was just a good day and we felt so very blessed.

Some of the cabins at TWNE
5.  A great Father's Day cookout with our daughter and her hubby and their four kiddos.  My hubby was so blessed later to see a little tribute to him that our daughter posted on Instagram.  He does all that he does selflessly, with no thought of reward, but it just blessed his heart to read her words of appreciation and love. 

That's the Friday five for this week!


  1. This was a wonderful Friday 5. Thanks for sharing all your blessings with us.

    1. Oh, you are so welcome, Kathy! Thanks for visiting and leaving such a sweet comment!

  2. I am back in the WiFi world and using my laptop to comment.:) What a wonderful week and you are right, those centerpieces were lovely. Simple is best.

    1. So happy you are back in the world of WiFi, Arlene! I hope that you had a wonderful vacation!

  3. Wonderful Friday 5. That centerpiece is just perfect.

  4. Aw, thanks, Sandy. Thanks for the visit! I have been over to your blog but haven't found time to leave a comment. Beautiful stitching!

  5. The centerpiece from the wedding with simple and charming. I like it.


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