Friday, June 07, 2019

Friday five ~ June 7

Beautiful reminder from Abby at Little Birdie Blessings
Friday again!  So it's time to take a few minutes and list five things that have blessed me this week. 

1.  A safe and beautiful trip to North Hero, Vermont last weekend for a memorial service.  (For those not familiar with New England, North Hero is one of the islands in Lake Champlain.)  The very small cemetery overlooks the lake.  We saw many beautiful trees, shrubs, spring flowers, birds, and -- on our return trip and much closer to home -- even a bear.
2.  Good time with extended family at a gathering following the service.  Of my hubby's six siblings, five were present, and it was good to spend a bit of time visiting with them.

Mr. T is the littlest, very blond boy next to his grandmother in this photo.  They shared a birthday.
3.  A wonderful day with God's people on Sunday.  Our singing was accompanied by piano, guitars, accordion, trombone, penny whistle and concertina.  We are a small group but our singing is greatly enhanced by this accompaniment.    We also enjoyed a great closing concert from our church's small Patch the Pirate Club.  The kids did a fantastic job!  Even though we continue to be without a pastor and are very small, we are so thankful for how God has sustained us and how different people have stepped up to do ministry like music and Patch Club!

4.  The safe arrival of a baby boy for our young friends Sam and Jenn.  What a wonderful gift from the Lord!  We are looking forward to making his acquaintance soon.

5.  The first supper picnic of our summer!  Yes, I know it's technically not summer yet, but it looks and feels like summer for the most part.  We took a simple picnic to a riverside picnic spot.  So tranquil with just the sound of rushing river water as a background.  Should we have taken this time?  Probably not, as there were other details we could have been attending to.  But did we need to take this time?  Yes, and we're happy that we did.

There's my Friday five for this week!  What blessings have you enjoyed this past week?


  1. Such sweet blessings in your life! Good for you in taking that picnic!!

  2. Thanks, Linda! Our lives are so busy ... so busy. No time for a getaway right now, but we are thankful for even a brief respite.

  3. It seems in our family the only time we get together is for funerals or weddings. So glad you could visit with family in a beautiful place. Another baby born to friends....I always forget just how precious they are until I hold that little bundle. We hope to see Joshua again in two weeks.

    1. Yes, the same with our family. This was a get-together following a memorial service. But it was a blessing to see one another even in those circumstances.

      Little Joshua is so adorable. Audrey seems to be so sweet with him!

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Necessary? You betcha! And may prove to be in the top five of necessary pursuits. Top three? Top two? ☺️ That is a sweet photo of little Mr. T with his grandmother. I can tell they had a loving relationship. Even though it was a sad reason to gather, I am glad that the family was able to be together. Here’s to many more summer picnics!

    1. Picnics as a necessity ... yes, I quite agree with you. Fortunately I can make a picnic out of almost anything, and nice picnic spots abound in our neck of the woods!

  5. Happy weekend, Mrs T! I love how you share your blessings every Friday... What a delightful idea! Congratulations to your friends on their new baby's boy. There is something so precious about a newborn baby, isn't there?
    Blessings on your new week!

    1. Well, I sort of copy-catted the idea from some other bloggers, but I find it really is encouraging to share my blessings on Fridays. I'm glad you enjoy the Friday posts ... maybe you could do some similar ones on your own blog!

      Yes, new babies are indeed precious and all the more so in our culture where so many are discarded. We hope to meet this little fellow soon!

  6. And wonderful Friday Favs, they are, Picnics are always nice and always needed to refresh! get togethers with family are also needed! I find the church is exactly that a family that steps up when things are challenging.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. That is so true, Sue -- the church should definitely be "a family that steps up when things are challenging".

      Yes, it was a week of blessings. Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for visiting!


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