Wednesday again! Not sure how it came around so quickly, but it's time for the Wednesday Hodgepodge, in which Joyce asks the questions and
bloggers provide the answers. It's always a lot of fun (and sometimes challenging). If you'd like to
join in, just head over to From This Side of the Pond and get the questions from Joyce, then answer them on your own blog. Here are this week's questions:
1. August 12th is National Middle Child Day...are you a middle child? If
not, where in your family do you fall in terms of birth order? Do you
hold true to the typical characteristics of oldest-middle-youngest-only
child? (a quick list can be found here) Elaborate.
I am not a middle child. I was the oldest of four and am the only one still living. As far as the characteristics of an oldest child, I do tend to be conscientious and cautious. I do best when my daily life has some structure to it, but in these busy days there's not always a lot of that. My days at the moment tend to be more free-form.
I was interested to read that first-born children "often have an intense fear of failure, so nothing they accomplish feels good enough," I definitely had that growing up, and with my mother and grandmother both tending toward perfectionist, controlling types, I always thought that was the reason. It's interesting that part of that may have to do with birth order.

2. Tell us about a time you felt like (or you actually were) in the middle of nowhere.
Let's see. Maybe last fall when my hubby and I took a week in the far north of New Hampshire. We literally were in the middle of nowhere (somewhere between New Hampshire, Maine and maybe Quebec!) as we took a few trips on the networks of dirt roads owned by logging companies.

3. What's something you're smack in the middle of currently?
Trying to list thousands of vintage items in my Etsy shop, A New Hampshire Attic. Below are some examples. Most of my listings are greeting cards, both used and unused, as well as sewing patterns, but there are other fun things too, as you see below.

4. What's a food you love to eat that has something delicious in the middle?
Ice cream sandwiches, oreos ... and I used to love cameo cookies, which my grandmother always stocked in one of the cookie jars at her summer cottage. Then there's hamburgers, cheeseburgers, lobster rolls ... I could probably go on and on with this one.

5. Share a memory from your middle school days, or junior high if that's
what your school dubbed kids somewhere between grades 6-8.
It was junior high back in my day, and included grades 7-8. A couple memories stand out: Hearing about President Kennedy's assassination in 7th grade during a science class. I almost think they might have brought in a television to the classroom, but can't remember for sure. Another memory is talking with friends about how old we would be in the year 2000 and where we might be in life by then. We couldn't imagine ever being that old.
In junior high, I remember having a jumper and blouse made in the lefthand view of the pattern below. I can't recall for sure the fabric of the blouse, but the jumper was a moss green suede cloth. All through my school years, skirts, dresses, and jumpers were what girls wore to school.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Hmmm ... we have had such a long stretch of hot, humid weather lately. I try not to complain, but I don't enjoy heat and humidity. The extreme heat brings back memories of this campsite:
Not a trace of shade in sight, as you see. A very unique campsite and one that would be quite beautiful in cooler weather.
And that's it for this week's Hodgepodge! Happy Wednesday, everyone!