Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday a day late


As usual, there's no time for a long post, and I'm a day late, but I'm taking a few minutes to join Sandra for this link party over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather:::

26º and brilliantly sunny, with 7 mph wind, so that it feels like 19º.  Predicted to get as high as 36º later today.

As I look outside my window::: 

 I see a brilliantly blue winter sky with a few small white clouds. There are only a very few small remnants of snow in our woods, but for the most part the ground is covered with brown leaves.  The ground is frozen now and most puddles have at least a skim of ice.  We saw one stream on our walk this morning that was edged with ice resembling silver lace.  So pretty!  We will have to start bringing the camera on our walks.

Right now I am:::

 Working on a blog post.  And, once again, feeling guilty about taking the time!  So much to do!
Thinking and pondering:::

On the new year and just what my goals and priorities should look like.  Debating with myself on whether I will choose a word for the year.  You can read about my past choices here: word for the yearThough I don't always choose oneWhenever I do choose a word, I make a Pinterest board for it.  I find that really helpful.  Below is an example.

On my bedside table::: 

 A lamp, four books,  and a pen.

 Listening to::: 

Literally, silence.
This sweet lamp below was made by granddaughters Julia and Ari a couple of years ago.  I am so enjoying its lovely glow in the dark mornings during my quiet time!

On the Breakfast plate:::

I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast.  Lunch will be a salad with cubes of turkey and cheese in  addition to leaf lettuce and probably an avocado.

On the dinner plate::: 

Chicken and broccoli bake

On the menu for this week::: 

 A few meals on my menu plan:

Egg bake with bacon, roasted vegetables
Shepherd's Pie using mashed turnips in place of potatoes
Egg roll in a bowl, Italian green beans
On my reading pile:::
Choosing Forgivemess by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
A Step Farther and Higher, by Gail MacDonald
High Call, High Privilege, also by Gail MacDonald
All Manner of Things,
by Susie Finkbeiner -- which I am reading through for the second time, and loving it
On my to do list today:::

Work on several blog posts
Finish Sunday School lesson 17
Go for a walk√
Prep and mail an Etsy order√
Mail a package to family in Nevada√
Plans for this week:::

Plan menus and make grocery list
List some Christmas cards on Etsy
Take a bag to the thrift store
Start Sunday School lesson 18
Help with a brunch at church
Get started with an exercise regimen
Start a 40-day sugar fast√
Begin some serious decluttering

What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler, plus another cross-stitch I've just started
Some "condensation catchers" out of old towels to place behind toilets that sweat in the humidity -- no, I still haven't finished started those! 😕  And I need to do so, because the old towels are just sitting around waiting to be used!
Some dishcloths in Christmasy colors
Start a pillow quilt
Crocheted hot mat for the gift stash (like those below, but those are older)
This color is called Winterberry.
And this one is called Blue Moon.  Honestly, these things are addictive.  I pretty much always have one "on the hook" because I have the pattern memorized and they do make great gifts, especially hostess gifts.
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
This quote, part of which which I have had written in my prayer journal for many years:
"Our days are numbered -- a number that only God knows.  Therefore we must live each day to the hilt, to the max!  We need to seize each and every day ... and put the most into each 24 hours.  We must do as much as we can, love our families as much as we can, help as many people as we can, give as much as we can in each precious sunrise-to-sunset parcel of life.  Each part and parcel of each day ... must be relished and used wisely and fully ... for it may be all we have."

 This quote by Elizabeth George comes from  the chapter "Work with Diligence" in her book Small Changes for a Better Life
On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there's the Happy Homemaker Monday  for this week! 


  1. I enjoy your posts...please don't feel guilty about taking the time to write...your writing is a gift to those of us who read it, and God is using you to reach out to others with His love and grace and hope and encouragement to live for Him. That is never time wasted. Elizabeth George, whom you quoted above, would agree I am sure, if she had a blog to write, she would know that it is a tool to be used by God to share Him with the world. We are so blessed to have this opportunity while there is yet time. Just my thoughts on this subject...and why I continue to write as often as I can. We are so blessed to be given this gift of writing for God's honor and glory. Thank you for being faithful to your calling. Have a blessed and wonderful New Year!!

  2. That lamp is beautiful and looks so cozy for winter. I really like the idea of making a pinterest board for my word, thank you for the idea. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Happy New Year... I've got a phrase for this year, never thought to do a pinterest board for it... that's a great idea!


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