Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Last day of January Hodgepodge


 It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for the Hodgepodge -- the linkup where Joyce, at  From This Side of the Pond, asks the questions and bloggers provide the answers on their own blogs.   Here goes!

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day.  Do you enjoy puzzles?  What kind?  How often do you work a puzzle?

I do enjoy puzzles -- jigsaw puzzles especially, but also word puzzles, sudoku, crosswords, and more.  We currently have a 1000 piece jigsaw in the works at home.  I would like to keep a jigsaw going at all times, but we don't really have space for that.  I'd like to do word puzzles more often, but seldom think of it.  I know it's good for my brain. 😉

A jigsaw we did at our cottage this past fall

2. Something you currently find 'puzzling'?

The number of citizens who are so deluded and misled by what they hear on "the news".  Have people really become incapable of thinking for themselves?

3. What's your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal?

Usually lasagna, with bagged salad, a loaf  of Italian bread, and some sort of simple dessert.  Often I will freeze a couple of lasagnas and give them to people to cook as needed.  For a bereaved household, I might take muffins or a coffee cake to help with extra family who might be in town.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network?

No.  We watch very little TV and don't have cable.  We keep our TV out of our living space and only bring it in when we want to watch a movie.

5. Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence.

Busy, yet somehow oddly relaxing.

This is one of the few photos I took in January.  We were at my friend Patty's for our Ladies of Grace meeting a couple Saturdays ago, and I noticed the sweet handmade holiday garland over her kitchen window.  The picture isn't the best but it's good enough to remind me of how they are made.  I'd love to make some of these! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

 Snowy day here as I write this on Tuesday at The Wilds of New England.  So pretty to see this picturesque campsite with a frosting of white!

Photo from last winter

And that's the Hodgepodge for this week!


  1. I am with you in feeling bewildered. The snow is so pretty and peaceful. We don't really get snow where I live now and I miss it a little. The quiet it brings to the earth especially. Have a nice weekend

  2. I love word puzzles too. haha. I agree with your #5 answer.


Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my kitchen table! I love company here in my kitchen, so be sure to leave a comment so I'll know you've visited! I'll answer your questions and comments here on the blog unless you request otherwise.