Building our Homes Together
today, I would like to share some Scripture verse cross-stitch I have made. I have posted about these before, but wanted to share them again today. I love that these have not only been wonderful projects to complete, but especially that they kept Scripture before me as I stitched and that now, on the walls, they keep Scripture before my family and guests.
First, here are four samplers that are hanging in the hallway between our kitchen and living room. For years this hallway, which is narrow and short, was sort of a dead space as far as any sort of decorating is concerned. I had these samplers, which I had made years before, and had never gotten around to framing them. The main reason for that is that they were all odd sizes and the frames would have had to be custom-made. Either that, or (my preference) my hubby would have to make the frames.
Amazingly, a couple of years ago he finally did find time to make them. I thought that rather than scatter the samplers all over the house in different rooms, or put them in a large space such as the living room, they might have more impact if I painted all of the frames the same color and put them all together in a smaller space -- such as this hallway. I am so glad I had that thought, as I pass through that hallway many times a day. The busy colorful designs of the samplers always make me smile, and the Scripture verses they include bless my heart as well.
Here’s the first one:
This was the first of these samplers I made. It features Isaiah 1:18, a favorite Scripture verse. I just love the falling snow outside the window.
Here’s another one. I think this is the second one I did. It features Philippians 1:11.
I love all of the detail in this one. That teapot? It was originally a cat in the pattern. I am not a fan of cats and I certainly would not want one on my kitchen counters or tables, so I turned the cat into a teapot.
Here’s the third sampler:
The verse on this one is Luke 6:38.
And the last one on this wall has a very helpful, practical verse -- Colossians 4:6.

I do apologize for the quality of some of the photos. The hallway is so very short and narrow, I had to lean into the hall to take the photos and they really aren’t the best. But I think you can get a good idea what the samplers look like.
The patterns are from
Cross Country Stitching magazines. As far as I can tell by looking at the web site, all of these back issues are still available. Here are the issues the samplers may be found in:
The Luke 6:38 sampler (titled "Good Measure" was in the June 1996 issue.
The Philippians 1:11 sampler (titled "Kitchen Wall") was in the February 1995 issue.
The Isaiah 1:18 sampler (titled "Scarlet & Crimson") was in the February 1996 issue. The one I have is wrongly labeled Feb. 1995, but it's definitely the 1996 issue.
As for the Colossians 4:5 sampler, it was in the October 2000 issue, and is (I think) titled "Teapots".
You can order any of these back issues from
Cross Country Stitching via catalog or from their website. Here's the link:
Cross Country Stitching.
And here is the most recent one I have finished. It's sewed onto a dish towel (cut to size) and hung from a recycled calendar dowel/cord. This one is hanging on my living room wall.

Above is a closer look at the top part of the sampler.
And here is a closer look at the bottom part of the sampler. I love the quilt hanging from the wooden spoon and also the yummy looking Bundt® cakes. This sampler is titled "Country Baking" and may be found in the December 2005 issue of Cross Country Stitching.
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