How about a nice glass of iced tea for a summer day? |
Another week ... and almost August! How the weeks of summer are flying by! Here are my tentative goals for this week:
* Spend time in 1 Samuel Bible study
* Limit sugar
* Keep up with crafting goals for UFOs and Christmas, plus maybe a dress for a granddaughter
* Exercise 5 to 6 times
* Keep up a good water intake
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
* Post regularly in one or both of my blogs
* Keep up with Kelly's Missions for Zone 5, the living room (for the first part of the week) and then Zone 1, the front porch, entry and dining room
* Do better at staying in touch with friends and faraway family
* Add 2 pages to prayer journal
* Weed garden and move 2 plants
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do.
Here's how last week went:
* Try to finish Sunday School lesson 11 --DONE!
* Limit sugar -- didn't do too well with this
* Keep up with crafting goals for UFOs and Christmas, plus a dress for a granddaughter -- nope
* Exercise 5 to 6 times -- DONE!
* Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- managed this most nights, so DONE!
* Post regularly in one or both of my blogs -- DONE!
* Keep up with Kelly's Missions for Zone 4, the bedroom -- did some work here, but not all I planned
* Do better at staying in touch with friends -- DONE!
* Keep up with Bible study/adding to prayer journal -- nope; concentrated on my Sunday School lesson
* Weed garden -- managed to work on this 4 days out of 7, but it still needs a LOT of work
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!
So all in all it was a fairly good week. A lot got done, but I often tend to beat myself up about what
didn't get done rather than being happy about what
was accomplished. I'm thankful for how much more is getting done as I faithfully set goals and try to schedule my time!