Saturday, April 01, 2023

A few goals for April ... and how March went


 Wow, the month of March simply flew by, didn't it?  The year is now 1/4 over.  Hard to believe!  But here it is April (though we got about 4 inches of snow overnight!) and it's time to set some goals for this new month:

* Keep up with Flylady's homemaking zones of the week
* Change my decor to spring -- not feeling too motivated now that we have more snow
* Continue working through the "Make Room Challenge" from Make Room for What You Love
* Post in this blog as often as possible -- hopefully several times per week
* Post in my Christmas blog as often as possible
* Continue planning for family birthday gifts and crafting any handmade ones
* Celebrate several family birthdays
* Prepare for and celebrate Easter, both at church and with family
* Get together with friends for a meal out
* Have friends over for lunch after church
* Have one dental crown set and get the preparation started for a second one
* Attend our first ladies Bible study of 2023
* Craft some homemade Christmas gifts and decorations (yes, even now!)
* Do some sewing projects ( a few more sachets to stave off musty odors, plus maybe curtains) for the cottage
* Finish 2 pillow quilts for youngest granddaughters
* Spend a little time on some UFO craft projects
* Continue decluttering the entire house, zone by zone
* With my hubby, set some goals for 2023
* Continue stocking my Etsy shop and continue selling vintage items
* Spend some time on my trust responsibilities
* Spend some time volunteering at The Wilds of New England
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family
* Help and encourage my local daughter as I'm able
* Plan meals with a greater emphasis on healthy eating
* Memorize ten Bible verses and review ten older ones
* Continue my study for a devotional to share at a ladies' brunch in May
* Prepare to start teaching a ladies' Sunday School class mid-month
* Get back into our study of the book of Daniel with younger believers
* Continue to help a widowed friend with the challenges of life in general
* Drink enough water each day
* Walk and/or exercise at least 4 times each week

HEALTHY HABITS FOR APRIL:  Drink more water/get more sleep/get more exercise/intermittent fasting/limit carbs 

And there are my simple goals for this month.  How about you?  Any goals to share?

Pam had mentioned in a comment last month that she wonders how many of my goals I actually cross off in a month.  Many of them are ongoing, but I do cross off some.  I think that this time I'll note down how March went:

* Keep up with Flylady's homemaking zones of the week -- an ongoing goal that I never fully accomplish, but I can say that I did do some decluttering in each zone.
* Continue working through the "Make Room Challenge" from Make Room for What You Love -- not done
* Post in this blog as often as possible -- hopefully several times per week -- done!  But this is also an ongoing goal.
* Post in my Christmas blog as often as possible -- not done (but it's also an ongoing goal)
* Continue planning for family birthday gifts and crafting any handmade ones -- done!  This one is also an ongoing goal.

A tote bag, bookmark and tissue holder I made for a March birthday

* Celebrate several family birthdays -- done!  And happening again this month, with 3 April birthdays!
* Craft some homemade Christmas gifts and decorations (yes, even now!) -- not done
* Do some sewing projects ( a few more sachets to stave off musty odors, plus maybe curtains) for the cottage -- not done, but it's also an ongoing goal.  I'll feel more motivated as we get closer to cottage season.
* Finish 2 pillow quilts for youngest granddaughters -- not done
* Spend a little time on some UFO craft projects -- done, although this is also an ongoing goal, and the projects themselves are not yet finished
* Continue decluttering the entire house, zone by zone -- done, that is, I am continuing on it, but this again will be an ongoing process
* With my hubby, set some goals for 2023 -- not officially done, though we have talked about it some
* Plan a winter getaway with my hubby -- not done
* Continue stocking my Etsy shop and continue selling vintage items -- done; that is, I am continuing to stock and sell.  But it's another  ongoing process.
* Spend some time on my trust responsibilities -- not done
* Spend some time volunteering at The Wilds of New England -- done, but it's another of those ongoing things.
* Do some solid planning for meals for the above opportunity -- done!
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family -- done!
* Help and encourage my local daughter as I'm able -- not done as much as I'd like
* Plan meals with a greater emphasis on healthy eating -- done!  But again, this is ongoing.
* Memorize ten Bible verses and review ten older ones -- not done.  I only reviewed the older ones.
* Begin study for a devotional to share at a ladies' brunch in May -- done, but the study and thought process is continuing throughout April and into May
* Get back into our study of the book of Daniel with younger believers -- not done, although we have talked about how we might make it work
* Continue to help a widowed friend with the challenges of life in general -- done, but that's another ongoing goal
* Drink enough water each day -- not done
* Walk and/or exercise at least 4 times each week -- not done, although we did walk some.  The weather hasn't been the most conducive.

HEALTHY HABITS FOR MARCH:  Drink more water/get more sleep/get more exercise/intermittent fasting/limit carbs -- doing well with everything except for drinking more water.

So that's how March went!  As you can see, I put the "not dones" in italics in dark red.  Just for the inquiring minds that might care to know.


  1. A lightbulb moment this past week when I heard a vlogger say that decluttering is an ongoing project. It never ends. And here you are describing many things as "ongoing." Hope that you roll the winter getaway into a spring getaway with Mr.T. We are really in need of some color these days! Many blessings with all your projects.

    1. I'm glad the vlogger and I are on the same page as far as ongoing projects go! Housework in general is an ongoing project, seems to me!

      No real getaways on the horizon yet. Sure hope life slows down just a little. Thankfully we do have our camp, and that seems quite a bit like a getaway.

      Still dreary and muddy for the most part, isn't it? An hour or so from here, on our way to TWNE, we pass the most breathtaking daffodils. That keeps me hopeful!

  2. Am I that "Pam" who asked you for that info? Probably, because I love your goals, but I do wonder how you accomplish them all. Thank you for sharing this progress report! I love it. I love that many are "ongoing" projects that never really end. I understand those. We just made a big change in that our son and DIL sold the Dixie Cottage store that we have been helping in at least 4 days a week, (mornings only), and so now we will not be doing that anymore. I am kind of in withdrawal from it because I actually enjoyed it, but now I have more time to pursue things that need to be done in our home and personal lives/goals. So you are an inspiration to me to keep moving forward, setting reasonable and realistic goals, and seeing how many I can cross off the list. I probably won't share my list publicly, at least not yet...people might laugh at my list. LOL. God bless you and thank you for your faithfulness. You are a blessing to me.

  3. Yes, you are the "Pam" who asked for the info. Including the rest of the story of how my goals all played out was a good exercise in accountability for me. So much so that I decided to do the same thing again with my April goals when I list the May ones.

    Oh my, you will indeed miss Dixie Cottage!

    I don't think people would laugh at your list if you shared it publicly, but go ahead and list goals for your own use, at the least. I'm sure you will find it helpful!


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