Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly goals for week beginning 4/30/2012

(Photo by Photos Public Domain)
We were away part of last week and I never did get around to setting official goals for the rest of the week, though I did have some crafting goals to accomplish.  For the most part, they did get done.  Now we are coming into May, and this week's goals are a bit different, just trying to finish a few things and keep up with others.  Here is my plan:

*  Finish Sunday School lesson 8 and hopefully get a start on lesson 9.
*  Finish proofreading this year's summer devotional book so it can go to the printer as soon as the cover is ready.
*  Try and keep up a decent water intake.
*  Try and get to bed at a decent hour every night.
*  Limit sugar.
*  Keep up with Kelly's Missions for the living room and front entry/dining room/porch.  (I should have done the living room one today, but ran out of time.)
*  Exercise 4 to 5 times.

Guess those are the major goals I hope to accomplish this week.  We'll see  how it goes!

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