Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday five for May 17

Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay
Friday again and time to count five blessings from the week!

1.  Forsythia everywhere!  I must admit I found every one of these photos on Pixabay, so don't give me credit for them.  The forsythia is incredibly lush and abundant here in NH this spring, and it seems to be lasting a lot longer due to our cool damp weather.  I only have one tiny forsythia bush myself, and am too lazy to lug a camera along on our walks, so have taken no photos of these lovely shrubs.  There are some beautiful ones on Pixabay.
Image by Ilona Frey from Pixabay
2.  Supper with our dear young friends Sam and Jenn on Saturday night.  What a rich blessing our fellowship is!
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

3.  A truly blessed Mother's Day.  We enjoyed a wonderful day at church, then a bountiful Mother's Day luncheon at the church our daughter and son-in-law are a part of.  In the evening, we got together with Jim, Carrie and family again for a late supper and a Mother's Day/Jim's birthday celebration with them.
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
4.  The opportunity to get out and walk three days this week.  The weather has been so iffy, it's never a given that we can go walking, so it's a huge blessing when it works out.
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
5.  Seeing God give strength and wisdom for the challenges of every day.  Mr. T has been working a good 2 hours away from home this week, so getting up that early and having so little time together has been a big challenge in itself.  Sometimes just day to day decision making can be tough, but God gives clear direction and it's always such a blessing to see that play out.

And today I'm also thankful for the talented photographers who share their work on Pixabay.  I think the one with the barn may be my favorite of today's forsythia photos.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Oh, yes, the forsythia and azaleas are hanging in there really well with all this chilly weather. Wish I could say the same for myself. 🙃 My three little daffs haven’t even budded out. You will be glad to have Mr. T working closer to home again. Four hours on the road a day really cuts into his time.

  2. You are so, so right! Getting up at 4:30, traveling west to Vermont and then south to southern NH right near the VT border sure does take the time. He is pretty weary at the end of the day. He may have another week of it after this...

    I have a clump of mini daffodils that did bloom, so that has been nice. Along our walking route we see loads of daffodils in people's yards and I think it has to be the cool weather that is keeping them looking so nice.

    Yesterday we had a bit of sun and warmth and I saw a few black flies. Not looking forward to *that* rite of spring!

  3. Forsythia are one of my favorite spring flowers. The bright yellow is so wonderful after a dreary midwest winter. I don't know that I have ever seen a green barn, but it's lovely with the yellow.

  4. Maureen, I found that photo on Pixabay and loved the green barn with the yellow forsythia. The photographer is Jill Wellington and she lives in Michigan. So the photo may well be from somewhere in the midwest.


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