Monday, May 06, 2019

Monday musings

Trying for a brief "Monday musings" post today, but we will see ...  the day looks busy.  I'll make a stab at it, anyway.  Here are some blessings from the past week:

1.  Spring flowers and wildflowers beginning to appear.  Winter was a long, hard slog this year and the mud still doesn't want to let go in some places.  It's been cool and rainy, so the new leaves on the trees are taking their time getting beyond the budding stage.  But now there are some flowers appearing (like those daffodils at top of post, which planted themselves in a field!) and that is really encouraging.

2.  A wonderful visit from our Nevada daughter and three of her children plus a niece and nephew.  They were here for a week and it was such a blessing!  Below you see the whole gang plus four cousins.  You will note that many brought along their stuffed animals on a walk around Quincy Bog.  And yes, that is a stuffed monkey around my daughter's neck at right.  His name is "Pappy" and he accompanies their family on many adventures.  Entire videos have been made featuring Pappy and his travels.

3.  Time at the ocean last Monday.  We went to Long Sands at York Beach, Maine and also spent time at Nubble Light.  The vastness of the ocean, the power of the waves, and the constancy of the tides never fails to remind me of God's power and faithfulness.
We got to see a lobsterman pulling his traps.
4.  This is a pathetically little thing, but I am so thankful for the opportunity yesterday to spend some time in my scrapbook journal.  Other than a sentence or two this past January 1, I had not journaled there in nearly 2 years.  Yesterday, Sunday, I managed to squeeze in some time in this journal.  I enjoy it so much, but it's one of the first things to go when there's a time crunch.

5.  Several items sold in my Etsy shop.  I had considered putting the shop on vacation while the family was here, but in the end decided not to.  I had only a couple of orders during that time, but then three items sold just as soon as they left!  There was no conflict at all with our family activities.  I wish I had more time to put into the shop, as I certainly have hundreds more things to list.

6.  Good services at church yesterday, with several visitors.  It's always good to have visitors,  and two of these were local folks.  We hope we'll see them again!

I could probably go on for quite awhile, but this is a long enough post for now.  I have another one in the works specifically about our daughter's visit.  Maybe I can publish it later this week!


  1. Love seeing your sweet family!! So glad yall had a good visit.

    1. Thanks, Arlene! We surely did!

  2. What a beautiful family! It’s great to see your daughter and grands. I am so intrigued by your journal with the images you have saved. My aunt has several she has done and she refers to them time and again. She says it is not as distracting as Pinterest when she wants to find a decorating idea. I sure love looking at it, but have never done one myself. (I don’t like glue. 🙃)

    Hope that today was just as beautiful there as it has been here.

    1. Monday was indeed a beautiful day here. Today, not so much. The morning was fairly nice but now it's raining.

      Glad you enjoyed the family photos. Do you follow Carrie on Instagram? She's @lifeonabackroad. If you don't, you should. She has loads of pictures from Joanna's visit.

      This is my second scrapbook journal. I do sometimes go back there to look for a recipe, see what I served for a holiday meal, and so on. I started gluing everything in with rubber cement, but lately I just use double stick tape and call it good! You might consider using that -- I buy mine at the Dollar Tree.

  3. How lovely to have family visit from so far away. You will have lots of memories to ponder and to tuck away in your heart.

    1. So true, Lorrie. I wish I had been more mindful of that while they were with us.

  4. So many wonderful things to be thankful for. I'm glad you enjoyed the visit from your family. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks, Liberty. It was a great visit, so nice to have them here. Indeed, so many, many wonderful things to be thankful for!

  5. IT is always good to have family around and kids even more so. When the twins (niece and nephew) arrive from Houston twice a year we all get so excited and now with Tucker it will be even more fun. I am with you about the water. I absolutely never tire of going to look at the water. (IT is the Gulf for us). If I ever need to recharge my battery just a walk on the shore does it for me. I keep folders with all sorts of ideas in them. I still love to search through and have pictures from magazines that go way back.

    1. I am so with you. We never, never tire of water, be it a lake, a river, or the ocean. Such a gift, a recharge as you said. And such a great reminder of our great and mighty God!

      I have a lot of folders too. Really enjoy scrapbook journaling, though -- playing with paper and scissors just makes me happy! And I notice that this week, just since spending a little time with my scrapbook journal, I feel my creativity getting a jump start again!

      It will indeed be such fun for your niece and nephew to interact with Tucker. He is such a cutie!

  6. Your family is adorable! What a lovely visit!!! Hugs to you

    1. Thanks, Ann! It was a wonderful visit. Hugs to you as well!


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