Thursday, February 09, 2023

Goals for 2023

Life can be kinda crazy, don't you agree?  And I find that if I don't have some goals to aim at, it's very easy to just get through each day without making it count for God.  I'm pretty sure I didn't set yearly goals in either 2021 or 2022.  (I did in 2020, but we all know how that went.)  So for 2023, even though I am late posting them, I have set some goals -- goals in keeping with my word of the year, focus.  Here are the areas I've set goals in, including some of my specific goals for each area.

Personal growth (I included both spiritual and intellectual growth, as well as character development, in this category): Work on character qualities of unselfishness, kindness, compassion, perseverance, and self-control.  Work at eliminating the time-wasting habit of procrastination.  Read through the Daily Walk Bible.  Study, memorize and meditate on God's Word daily.  Continue my study of Lamentations.  Read at least 12 books.  Nurture creativity.

Health (includes physical, mental, and emotional health):  Exercise and/or walk at least five times per week.  Get enough water, sleep, fresh air, and sunshine.  Continue intermittent fasting.  Cook and eat with health in mind.  Do something creative or craft-related every day.  Journal and write as often as possible.  Continually cultivate the habit of gratitude.  Continually seek to be joyful and to keep my eyes open daily for the little things that make each day special. 

Marriage/family life (includes homemaking): Plan periodic getaways.  Take the best possible care of my husband and help him in every way possible.  Take advantage of every moment together.  Take time for dates.  Find moments of relaxation with my husband as often as possible.

Relationships outside the home:  Be more of an encouragement to my daughters, friends, and the ladies  who will be in my Sunday School class.  Stay in better touch with faraway friends and family.  Make myself available to help and encourage those who are nearby.  Continue blogging as a means of encouraging other ladies.  Work harder at cultivating extended family relationships.  Plan trip to visit faraway family.  Plan fun activities with nearby grandchildren. 

Homemaking:   Minister to my husband and others with the gift of a peaceful, orderly home by decluttering the entire house and implementing homemaking routines.  Get serious about downsizing.

Money matters:  Spend less on groceries on a weekly basis.  Continue selling small vintage items on Etsy.  Consider doing some writing for paying publication.  Prayerfully finish up my trust responsibilities, seeking God's continual guidance as I do.

Ministry:  Deepen my prayer life, praying regularly for those with deep needs. Work on a study to teach as a women's Sunday School class starting late spring or early summer.    Continue with our volunteer work in maintenance at The Wilds of New England.  Minister to others with hospitality as the opportunities arise.  Prepare to speak at a ladies' brunch in May.

Have you set goals for 2023 yet?  I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do find it very helpful to consider and set goals for a new year.  I'm certainly late doing that this year!  You can find further inspiration on this Pinterest board of mine: A new year, a fresh start.  Happy 2023, and happy goal setting!


  1. Wonderful goals for the year! I need to tack them up where I can see them and adapt them for my own! Also, I love that you will be teaching a Ladies' SS class, and also speaking at a Ladies' brunch in May....would love to hear what you choose to speak about. What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and goals with us. You are an inspiration to me!

  2. Question: How will you be spending less on groceries? I have that goal as well. I succeed at spending less, though I am going without to do so.

    It is always intriguing to read your goals' posts. All the best with 2023!


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