Yes, I'm trying again for another Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
The Weather:::
It's beautifully sunny. A perfect spring day in New England.
As I look outside my window:::
Birds are flitting about. The sky is blue and spring flowers are blooming everywhere. There's a nice breeze to keep the black flies away.

Right now I am:::
Working on a blog post while waiting for my hubby to come in for lunch.
Thinking and pondering:::
On something a lady in my Sunday School class shared yesterday. She mentioned that she regularly asks herself the question, "If everything I am not grateful for was taken away tomorrow, what would I have left?". This then leads to counting her blessings and thanking God for them.
On my bedside table: a lamp, a wood slice coaster, a book, and a pen.
On my tv this week:::
Nothing this week.
Listening to:::
The ticking of a schoolhouse clock in the room where I'm writing this.
On the Breakfast plate:::
I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast. Lunch will likely be a salad with tiny cubes of ham, cheese, and avocado. Maybe a sliced tomato as well.
On the dinner plate:::
Chicken and broccoli casserole, mini sweet peppers
On the menu for this week::: I usually plan my menus from Thursday to Thursday, and grocery shop on Friday morning. A few meals on my menu plan:
Fish chowder
Chicken and broccoli bake
Burger bowl
Hot ham and potato salad
On my reading pile:::
Stories that Bind Us by Susie Finkbeiner
We Travel an Appointed Way by A.W. Tozer
Licensed to Lie by Sidney Powell
On my to do list today::: Work on blog posts
Message a friend
Finish organizing some counselling resources
Whatever my superiors here ask me to do
Launder rags and mop heads from Saturday's clean-up day.
Plans for this week:::
Plan menus and make grocery list
List some notions, patterns, cards, and kids' books on Etsy
Declutter a large bookcase in the upstairs hallway
Write blog posts
Work on my Sunday School lesson
Spend time at my volunteer job
Speak at a ladies brunch on Saturday
What I am creating:::
January cross-stitch sampler
Start some pillow quilts for youngest granddaughters
Embroidered dish towel
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:
I've been reading Nancy Wolgemuth's book Adorned. I'd like to share this very inspiring quote: "Our job is to embody the wisdom of God's Word in such a way that we can effectively teach it to others -- not just out of our notebooks, but out of our lives... As we do this ... our own growth in grace is furthered, the baton of authentic faith is passed onto the next generation, the health of the church is preserved, and its witness to the world is enhanced."
What a challenging statement! The last two phrases made me think specifically of how believers are to be salt. 😊
On my prayer list:::
Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there is the Happy Homemaker Monday for this week!
Those flowers are precious.
ReplyDeleteAren't they? 🌼🌺🌿
DeleteI appreciate the quote by Nancy Wolgemuth. This is an area I am working on in regards to my relationships with extended family members who need the Lord in their lives. Rather than being judgmental and/or critical in my own thinking about them, I am reaching out to them with love and praying for their needs. This approach seems to get a much better response than either ignoring the situation or avoiding them because I don't want a confrontation. Letting them know we care about what is going on in their lives is a far better witness. I am thankful that the Lord is helping me to realize this. I don't have to condone certain behaviors or ideas to show them God's love. Thank you for sharing your week of activities, etc. I always enjoy visiting here.
ReplyDeleteThat's such a good approach, Pam! Something we could all stand to work on in our relationships, I'm sure! 😉
DeleteI really like Nancy Wolgemuth a lot, I’ll have to check out that book! Your flowers are gorgeous and it sounds like you have had a very peaceful morning!!!
ReplyDeletePeaceful mornings are good! They aren't that!