These wonderful treats will make fabulous kitchen gifts if you still have a few more names on your list!
At Christmastime, all types of snack mixes are popular as gifts and just to have around the house for family and friends to nibble on. These two nutty treats have been particular favorites with us and with those we've shared them with.
The first is a treat for coffee lovers. My mother loved these.
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon instant coffee powder
Combine ingredients in a saucepan and cook to the soft-ball stage.
Remove from heat and toss in: 3 cups broken walnuts. Spread on wax-paper-lined cookie sheets to dry. The nuts should be fairly separate, not in large clumps.
Next, we have
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
3 tablespoons evaporated milk
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon freshly grated orange peel
2 cups pecan halves
In small heavy saucepan, combine the sugar and evaporated milk. Cook over medium heat to 234° (soft-ball stage), stirring occasionally. Add butter and orange peel; stir to blend. Add pecan halves; stir until all
are coated. Spread the pecans on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper
or parchment paper. When candy coating is firm, gently break pecans apart. Store in covered containers.Remove from heat and toss in: 3 cups broken walnuts. Spread on wax-paper-lined cookie sheets to dry. The nuts should be fairly separate, not in large clumps.
Next, we have

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
3 tablespoons evaporated milk
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon freshly grated orange peel
2 cups pecan halves
The first nut recipe is from Cook & Tell. The second is from a Taste of the Country cookbook. Both of these nut recipes make wonderful gifts. You can buy tins or jars to put them in, or, for a vintage look, save cans through the year from peanuts, mixed nuts or cashews and cover them with Christmas wrapping paper. That’s the old-timey way, and it's just what my Aunt Bessie always did!

Those all sound really good!! Thanks for sharing!