Trying again for another Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
The Weather:::
Dreary and showery. It poured all day yesterday.
As I look outside my window:::
Things are quite muddy still, especially after our recent rainfall. Trees
are beginning to leaf out. My forsythia is doing excellently, and I'm encouraged how large it has grown over the few years I've had it. As mentioned previously, I always find early spring to be an ugly season
here, but there are promising signs appearing. Yesterday I saw a male goldfinch that has turned yellow -- a great sign of spring.
Right now I am:::
to make good use of time until I am able to eat lunch. Just had a front tooth prepped for a dental crown. (Yes, that's a total of two, but thankfully last week's was a back tooth.) So I'm finishing this blog post and trying
to accomplish other riveting tasks to distract me.
Thinking and pondering:::
On spiritual growth and maturity. So important. Our pastor started a series on this yesterday. He mentioned two of the Greek words translated mature or maturity and how one has to do with progress and the other with process. Lots to ponder here.
On my bedside table:::
Books, a pen, vial of Deep Relief essential oil, a jar of lavender infused olive oil.
On my tv this week:::
Nothing this week.
Listening to:::
Again today, the monotonous but cheerful call of a tufted titmouse. And the hum of the dryer.
On the Breakfast plate::: I do intermittent fasting so don't have breakfast. Lunch is going to be something very, very soft. I'm thinking scrambled eggs.
On the dinner plate:::
Not sure yet. It's got to be something that doesn't require much chewing. Just a little paranoid about this temporary crown coming detached.
On the menu for this week::: I usually plan my menus from Thursday to Thursday, and grocery shop on Friday morning. A few meals on my menu plan:
Egg roll in a bowl
Chicken with artichokes and broccoli
Egg bake with bacon
Burger salad bowl
On my reading pile:::
Stories that Bind Us by Susie Finkbeiner
We Travel an Appointed Way by A.W. Tozer
On my to do list today:::
Dental appointment
Write final checks for trust beneficiaries
Work on fabric bookmark
Plans for this week:::
Plan menus and make grocery list
List some kids' books, notions, patterns, and cards on Etsy
Decluttering in the bedroom
Write blog posts
Work on my Sunday School lesson
Spend time at my volunteer job
What I am creating:::
Fabric bookmark
January cross-stitch sampler
Start some pillow quilts for youngest granddaughters
A pillow quilt (unfolded) from a few years back
The same quilt, folded into its pillow
Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::
I've just begun the study of Loving God with All Your Mind with my ladies' Sunday School class. The verse to focus on for the first few chapters is Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, or if there be any praise, think on these things." We're focusing on thinking on whatever is true -- and guess what? Things we imagine or speculate about, or conclusions that we jump to, even motives we attribute to others -- are not true. We need to stop those thoughts in our tracks.

Friends & family
Church family
Our country
And there is this week's Happy Homemaker Monday!
I enjoyed your "Happy Homemaker Monday" post! You sound like a very happy and contented homemaker. I sense there is much peace in your home because of your attitude of peace and contentment with the Lord. Makes such a big difference in life! That pillow quilt looks so cute! What a fun idea! Your young granddaughters are so blessed to have YOU for a grandmother! The books you are reading sound like excellent ones. That last one by Elizabeth George sounds like a good Bible Study guide. (Is it a study guide for "students" to use, or is that just a book?) I may need to check into that and make a recommendation to our Ladies' Bible Study leader for the next study we do. Currently we are studying the book of Acts, which is very interesting as well. I hope your new tooth crown (temporary) holds tight and you can relax and enjoy eating again! Well, it is early in the morning here...we need that rain you had so badly. It is supposed to come this afternoon and the rest of the week. I truly hope so. Still Waters Pond is almost "No waters pond"! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading through this. Several years ago I made pillow quilts for all the nephews, a fun project. I love the fox.
ReplyDeleteWill be praying all goes smoothly with the dental work.
Enjoyed reading your post. Hope your dental appointment went well. Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!
ReplyDeleteSending lots of positive for your dental work. I made a quilt pillow a few years back for my nieces. Such a lovely gift. Have a great week