Friday, June 28, 2013

A look at my strawberry collection

Every June and July, I like to display my strawberry collection -- or actually, just part of it -- on the hutch in our dining area.  It's so much fun to get out the various items and remember who gave them to me or how I acquired them.  Here are a few pictures from this year's display:
A new piece this year is the hand-painted vintage china dish (from the 1950s) at the top right next to the strawberry cross stitch (by my friend Les).  My daughter bought the plate at a little antique store in Idaho and brought it with her when they visited last fall.  I love the colors!

This shows the bottom shelf with an embroidered hot mat by my friend Ruth toward the back left.  Kindly disregard the car keys and the stack of Father's Day cards...
Hope you have enjoyed this look at part of my strawberry collection.  It is "berry special" to me!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Barbecue Pork with Penne

Photo by Taste of Home
A couple of weeks ago I had made crockpot ribs and had quite a bit of the barbecue pork rib meat left over.  Often, I will make a sandwich filling with the leftovers -- I just chop the meat and add mayo, pickle relish and onion powder and pepper to taste -- or  I'll make Barbecue Pork Shepherd's Pie, a recipe my daughter devised.

This time I wanted something a bit different, so went looking in some of my books.  Here is the recipe I found: Barbecue Pork and Penne Skillet.  This was absolutely delicious and a great use for the leftover rib meat.  I didn't have gluten free penne on hand, so used gluten free rotini style pasta instead.  It wasn't the best choice as it broke up quite a bit.  But next time I will use gluten free elbow macaroni, which always works find for me in recipes.  I'll definitely make this again.  Your family might enjoy it too!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Garlic Lime Chicken

Photo by Taste of Home
Last week our local supermarket had bone-in chicken breasts for a good price.  I decided to make Garlic Lime Chicken, an old favorite recipe.  I didn't get the chicken into the marinade the night before -- in fact, it was only a few hours ahead of cooking -- but it still added great flavor. 

When the time came, I decided it was just too hot to turn on the oven, so we grilled it instead, for about the same amount of time.  The chicken turned out delicious.  We enjoyed it with homemade baked beans (reheated from last week), store-bought potato salad, and Vidalia onions cooked in the microwave with beef broth and butter.  A yummy meal without heating up the kitchen!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Goals for week beginning 6/24/2013

Blooming in my back yard
I'm a day late posting this ... and if I don't do it in the next few minutes, a second day will have flown by.  Today looks busy (and I guess it goes without saying that yesterday was, too).  So, herewith, my goals for the week:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 4
 *  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Memorize Psalm 9:1-2
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog
* Continue planning Christmas in July posts for my Christmas blog
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 5, the living room, including decluttering
*  Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time.
*  Make some no-bake cookies for my hubby
* Spend time with extended family this weekend
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do

And here's how last week went:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge -- I've continued with it but it's not going very well
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- not done
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 4 --DONE!
 *  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- not done
*  Memorize Psalm 9:1-2 -- learned verse 1
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer -- read only 1 chapter
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- not done
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs --DONE!
*  Keep up a good water intake --DONE!
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night --DONE!
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog --DONE!
* Plan Christmas in July posts for my Christmas blog -- got in some good work on this
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 4, the master bedroom, including decluttering -- not done
*  Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time -- not done
*  Bake some cookies for my hubby --DONE!
* Make some strawberry themed book page banners for the kitchen and dining room --DONE!
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do --DONE!

So there you have it.  This week looks sort of crazy so I'm not expecting much, but if I aim at nothing, I am sure to hit it! So I'm aiming.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cranberry Lemonade ~ a refreshing summer treat

Photo by Taste of Home
In trying to decide what to share for Gooseberry Patch's Recipe Round-up this week, I got to thinking about refreshing icy summer beverages.  When I bring a fruity lemonade or iced tea to a get-together in a gallon glass jug with lots of ice, people always enjoy it.

This Cranberry Lemonade recipe is one that I used to make all the time.  I had forgotten how easy and refreshing it is.  Other than the cranberry juice, it takes simple ingredients most people would keep on hand and is so simple to put together.

Why not double or triple the recipe and put in a gallon jug with ice for your family and friends this weekend?  I predict they'll enjoy it as much as we do! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Back-on-track challenge, days 16~18

Graphic by The Cottage Market
Not much to report on the challenge, I'm afraid.  Life has been very, very busy.  But in the interests of following through, here's what's been happening the past few days in the four areas I'm concentrating on:
health and energy -- Walked a couple of times, got some aerobic exercise around the house,  didn't keep up with the BCI  at all.   Did okay with eating right, fairly well with limiting sugar and quite well at getting enough water.  Did okay with getting enough sleep.
  *  homemaking -- did some work in  Zones 3 and 4.  Kept up with basics like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.  Did a major (and much needed) decluttering of my sewing basket. 
spiritual life -- kept up with my regular Bible reading, journaling, and prayer times.  Read a chapter in A Woman's Call to Prayer.   Got in some good work on my Sunday School lesson.  Spent quite a few hours putting together some material to help someone in their pursuit of spiritual growth.
* creativity -- posted a few times in this blog.  Worked on the crocheted dishcloth but ran out of yarn so need to get more.  Did a bit of work on some felt food for an August birthday.  Spent time working on the strawberry themed bunting I want to make.  It may be finished today.

And that is about it.  Realistically, with a busy weekend coming up I'm not expecting too much success in staying on track, but I will continue aiming toward that.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gluten free strawberry rhubarb crisp ~ a Pinterest project

Photo by The Baking Beauties
Following my fabulous success with the Best Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls from The Baking Beauties , I was so impressed with Jeanine's recipes that I signed up to follow her blog by email.  One of the first posts I received was about this recipe:Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp , so I promptly pinned it and saved the recipe to try later.
My dad had lots of rhubarb in his patch and I had lots of frozen strawberries to use up, so I made one of these for Father's Day.  It would have been better to use the fresh strawberries as called for, but I had so many strawberries frozen from last year and the year before, that I chose to use some of those.  This crisp has wonderful fresh fruity flavor!  I doubled the recipe to make a 13x9 pan and was glad that I did.  I don't think you'll be disappointed if you try this recipe.  We really enjoyed it.

Back-on track challenge, days 12~15

Graphic from The Cottage Market
Since I promised to keep updating on this challenge, I will -- but I don't have much to report.  The weekend was a busy one and yesterday was a busy day.  I certainly didn't stay on track as I'd have liked to.  Here's how it went in the four areas in which I'm challenging myself:

health and energy -- I exercised only once and walked a couple of times,  didn't keep up with the BCI  at all.   Did okay with eating right, fairly well with limiting sugar and getting enough water.  Did okay with getting enough sleep.
  *  homemaking -- did some work in Zone 2 and a lot of work in Zone 3.  Kept up with basics like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.  Did a major declutter of one area. 
spiritual life -- kept up with my regular Bible reading, journaling, and prayer times.  Finally finished memorizing a passage I've been trying to get for weeks.  Changed my prayer journal into its new binder.  Got in some good work on my Sunday School lesson.  Had a little Bible study yesterday with one of my granddaughters. 
* creativity -- posted a few times in this blog.  Finished crocheting a primrose dishcloth.  Started crocheting another dishcloth.  Spent time working on the strawberry themed bunting I want to make.  Changed the decor on my hutch from spring to strawberries.

I'm certainly hoping the next few days will be more on-track!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Goals for week beginning 6/17/2013

Blooming in my back yard right now...
It's been a busy weekend and a busy Monday!  Here are some goals for this week:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 4
 *  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Memorize Psalm 9:1-2
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog
* Plan Christmas in July posts for my Christmas blog
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 4, the master bedroom, including decluttering
*  Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time.
*  Bake some cookies for my hubby
* Make some strawberry themed book page banners for the kitchen and dining room
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do

And here is how last week went:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge -- DONE!
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 3 -- DONE!
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- DONE!
*  Memorize Psalm 104:33-34 -- DONE!
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer -- DONE!
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- sort of done
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs -- sort of done
*  Keep up a good water intake -- did okay with this
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- didn't manage this every night
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog -- managed the regular blog but not the Christmas one
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 3, the bathrooms, including decluttering -- DONE!
*  Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time  -- not done
 *  Bake some cookies for friends (and my hubby) -- DONE!
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!

And, as usual, I'm hoping for a better and more productive week ahead.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pinterest project ~ Homemade Tub and Shower Magic cleaner

(Photo from
So, some time ago I got an idea from another blogger to blog about Pinterest projects I have pinned and then actually done.  I did one post of this type -- the one about our simple Valentine buntings.  And then, as so often happens, I wrote down a few ideas of other Pinterest projects to blog about ... but I didn't do it.  Today, I was cleaning the tub/shower and thought I would share about the homemade cleaner I've been using for several months.

It is this: Tub and Shower Magic, made from 2 simple ingredients of Dawn dishwashing liquid and white vinegar.  Our tub and shower tend to get pretty bad, since we have not only the usual soap scum but hard water to boot.  The only thing I have found prior to this that really works on it is Greased Lightning.  When I read about the Tub and Shower Magic and all of the comments from people who had tried it, I just had to give the recipe a try.  It really works very well -- in fact, well enough that I have made several more batches of the stuff.  I've also been using it on bathroom sinks and countertops, and -- although I can't say I've found it the miracle worker some pinners claim it to be -- yet I do have to say that I'm pleased with how it works.  It's easy to use, and the price is right!

Back-on-track challenge, days 8 ~ 11

Gorgeous vintage graphic from The Cottage Market
We're finally seeing a little bit of sun (but only a little bit) after days of rain.  Rain meant Mr. T missed a couple days of work as it was too wet underfoot in the woods.  Am I the only one who gets sidetracked when their hubby is home for a day or two unexpectedly?  Here's how the past few days have gone with the back-on-track challenge:
  *  health and energy -- I exercised only once but walked several times,  kept up with the BCI  fairly well and did okay with eating right, limiting sugar and getting enough water.  Didn't do as well with getting enough sleep.
  *  homemaking -- did some work in Zone 2 and Zone 3.  Kept up with basics like dishes, laundry,vacuuming, etc.
spiritual life -- kept up with my regular Bible reading, journaling, and prayer times; on Tuesday  I spent time in Bible study.  Bought a new binder for my prayer journal; my old one was broken and held together with packaging tape.  (I really need to redo some of the pages as many of them are tattered, holes ripped out and so on.)  Got in some good work on my Sunday School lesson.  Have been so encouraged this week as I see God giving me daily guidance and direction. 
* creativity -- posted several times in this blog.  Finished crocheting a daisy wheel dishcloth and started another primrose dishcloth.  Made 2 ladder ribbon necklaces.  Came up with a simple but fun creative idea as a gift for a friend.  Can't give details yet.

I guess that's about it.  Now we're coming up to the weekend again, so I'm not sure how I'll do staying on track.  But I intend to try!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Berry Cheesecake Dessert

(Photo by Taste of Home)
This past Sunday I needed a dessert for a potluck and wanted to use some of the strawberries we froze last summer.  I had planned on making this one: Berry Cheesecake Dessert the week before (when I had some fresh strawberries) but wimped out on it since it was a hot day and the dessert required time in the oven.  I ended up making the Cheesecake Mousse with Strawberries that week, and it worked out great.

So this week it was cooler and I made the Berry Cheesecake Dessert, only substituting frozen (thawed and drained) strawberries for the fresh ones.  I also made the crust gluten free by substituting gluten free vanilla wafer crumbs (homemade) for the graham cracker crumbs.  The dessert was very good and went over well at the potluck, but it would have been MUCH better with fresh strawberries.  I will keep this recipe in mind for when we go strawberry picking!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Goals for week beginning 6/10/2013

This lovely and inspiring graphic is by Little Birdie Blessings
Time to set goals for the week!  Here's some of what I'm hoping to accomplish:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 3
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Memorize Psalm 104:33-34
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 3, the bathrooms, including decluttering
*  Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks, notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time.
*  Bake some cookies for friends (and my hubby)
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do

And here is how last week went:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge -- DONE!
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 3 -- DONE!
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- DONE!
*  Memorize Psalm 104:33-34 -- not completed
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer -- DONE!
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- -- DONE!
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs -- not done
*  Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- not done
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog -- DONE!
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 2, the kitchen, including decluttering -- DONE!•
*  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!
• I am calling this done even though I didn't finish everything in the zone (hope to do that today!) because I did accomplish some of it and a large kitchen decluttering project

Days 4 ~ 7 of the Back-on-track challenge ...

This wonderful vintage graphic is from The Cottage Market.
A busy weekend wreaked havoc with my intentions of getting back on track, but here's how the past few days have gone:
health and energy -- I exercised and kept up with the BCI  2 out of the 4 days (guess which 2?) and did fairly well with eating right, limiting sugar and getting enough water.  Didn't do as well with getting enough sleep, and Sunday night we took the grandkids to Burger King, so that was not the healthiest thing, although I did have a chicken/apple/cranberry salad, so it could have been worse, right?
 *  homemaking -- did some work in Zone 2 and did some decluttering in the living room.  Did some major decluttering under the kitchen sink.  Kept up with basics like bathrooms, vacuuming, etc.
spiritual life -- kept up with my regular Bible reading, journaling, and prayer times; on Friday I spent time in Bible study and made 2 pages for my "What do I know about my God?" notebook.
* creativity -- kept up with posting pretty much every day in this blog.  I don't think I did much else that was particularly creative in the past few days, other than stitching here and there on another flower wheel dishcloth.

I'm hoping that the next few days will be on-track ones!

Saturday, June 08, 2013

A new arrival

On Wednesday,  June 5, at 7 a.m. mountain daylight time, our newest grandson, Nathan, was born.

Isn't he sweet?  He really does look, as my brother-in-law Andy noted, as if he is waving hello to the world (albeit with eyes tightly shut).

Here his three oldest siblings are admiring him.

We are rejoicing with them in Nathan's safe and timely arrival!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Gluten free cinnamon rolls ~ simply the best!

The Baking Beauties
Yes, these are the best gluten free cinnamon rolls imaginable.  You simply can't tell they are wheat free.  They are well worth the trouble it takes to make them -- which is no more work than a regular cinnamon roll made with wheat flour.

As some readers may know, I've been avoiding wheat for about a year and a half.  I tried it for about six weeks to see if it would have any effect on some stomach issues I'd had for years.  It did (almost immediately) make a huge difference in how I felt, so I continued with it.  One of the toughest things for me is the area of baked goods.  I really enjoy baking, and so, although I can have wheat-free desserts by sticking with things like fruit, I'm always on the lookout for good gluten free baking recipes. 

I found this one -- Best Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls -- at The Baking Beauties just before Easter.  It was perfect timing, as I had signed up to bring baked goods to our Easter breakfast following the sunrise service at church.

These turned out perfectly.  They didn't look as perfect as some sticky buns I've seen -- the underside of the rolls were a little lighter in color than they could have been, but that seems fairly typical of gluten free baked goods.  As a result, since these didn't look as appetizing as the regular sticky buns, they were pretty much ignored at the breakfast.  That was fine with me as they were absolutely delicious.  I took the leftovers home and froze them (in a plastic container separated by layers of waxed paper) and I am still enjoying them, one sticky bun at a time.

I should add, too, that these can easily be made without the syrupy stuff in the bottom of the pan, for just regular cinnamon rolls.  I had made 1 1/2 times the recipe (just the dough part; making only the 1 batch of the syrupy stuff) and so I had leftover dough.  I made that into just regular cinnamon rolls, and they were wonderful.  I think another time, I would just do that and skip the sticky bun aspect to the recipe.

If you or someone in your circle of family and friends prefers to not eat wheat, give this recipe a try.  If they've been missing cinnamon rolls, these will be a real treat for them.

Back-on-track challenge, days 1~ 3

This fabulous graphic is from The Cottage Market
So I promised to report my progress in the areas I'm trying to challenge myself in this month.  To review,  these areas are:
health and energy -- specifically eating right, exercising, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep
homemaking -- getting back into the routines that work for me; getting better at time management
spiritual life -- especially Bible study, Scripture memory and meditating on Scripture
* creativity -- blogging more often, making some things for home decor, and trying to craft some birthday and Christmas gifts.

Here's how the first 3 days have gone:
health and energy -- One of the best simple tools I've found to keep track of these areas -- specifics like food intake, water, exercise, sleep, and so on -- is the Body Clutter Investigator (hereafter referred to as the BCI) from FlyLady.  It may be downloaded as a pdf on the FlyLady website.  So I printed out a week's worth -- I do them double sided to save paper -- and have used the BCI each day.  It's a simple thing that really helps me.  I've exercised 2 out of the 3 days and have done really well with limiting sugar and getting more fruits, vegetables, and fiber.  These are things I've been struggling with, so I'm quite encouraged.
homemaking -- although I haven't done as well as I'd like with the zone missions, I have done some of them and did a major decluttering under the bathroom sink.  It's not the current zone but desperately needed doing, so I'm pleased about that.  I threw away a LOT of stuff.  Just wish I'd taken before and after pictures!
spiritual life -- I've had good times of prayer, Bible reading and journaling each day and have read 2 chapters in a book on prayer.  I've also added a new "character flaw" page in my prayer journal.  Haven't fit in any Bible study yet this week, but I'm hopeful about tomorrow.
* creativity -- I have managed to blog more often.  Haven't found time for a lot of crafting, but did finish a dishcloth and a couple felt strawberries.  I've felt more creative in the kitchen and tried some new recipes.  Figured out a somewhat creative solution to storage under the bathroom sink. 

So that's where things are at with the back-on-track challenge so far.  It's not too late if you'd like to join me!

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Fun and pretty crocheted necklaces

Back some time ago,  I noticed a very pretty and unusual necklace that a friend at church was wearing.  When I commented on it, she told me that her mom had purchased it for her at a craft fair.  I did an internet search for the pattern and found one rather similar.  This is the link for the tutorial:  Trellis Necklace Tutorial.

The only catch was that the trellis yarn (also called ladder ribbon yarn, railroad yarn, and other names) was hard to find locally.

I looked around at our nearest Jo-Ann Fabrics and found a yarn with slubs of ribbon in it.  The yarn was thicker and more rustic looking than I wanted, but I tried making up a necklace anyway.

Here's the result:

The yarn I used was Sensations Rosario Multi in the Turquoise color.

It doesn't look like much in the picture, but I may have had more compliments on this necklace than any piece of jewelry I have ever worn!

Then I found some sellers of ladder ribbon yarn on Etsy and ordered three different colors.  So far I have only made up one:

Even though my crocheting is not the best, I think it still turned out very pretty.  This is Berlini Ladder Ribbon yarn.

I will be making more of these -- for myself and for gifts.  They are quick, easy, and oh so pretty!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Chocolate (or cheesecake) mousse with strawberries

Photo by Taste of Home
I tried a yummy dessert recipe this weekend!  Our local supermarket had a fantastic price on fresh strawberries, and I needed a dessert for our church potluck on Sunday.  I had planned on making something like a cheesecake, but it was swelteringly hot and I didn't want to put the oven on.  So I did some searching through back issues of Taste of Home and Quick Cooking and found this: Chocolate Mousse with Strawberries

It looked (and was) so easy, calling for just three ingredients: instant pudding mix, milk, and whipped topping, in addition to the strawberries.  I had no chocolate instant pudding mix on hand, but I had a box of cheesecake flavored instant pudding, so used that.  French vanilla would probably be nice, as well, and maybe even lemon.  But the cheesecake mousse was outstanding.

With local strawberries coming into season soon, you may want to give this recipe a try.  It was a hit at the potluck, and I'll definitely be making this again!

Monday, June 03, 2013

Goals for week beginning 6/2/2013

Photo from Photos Public Domain
Time to post some weekly goals:
*  Continue with Back on Track challenge
 *  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
*  Work on Sunday School lesson 3
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook
*  Memorize Psalm 104:33-34
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs
*  Keep up a good water intake
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 2, the kitchen, including decluttering
  *  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do

And here's how last week went:
*  Begin a Back on Track challenge; I am severely off track in some areas -- DONE! (that is, I have begun it)
*  Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- DONE!
*  Finish Sunday School lesson 2 -- DONE!
*  Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"?  notebook -- DONE!
*  Memorize Psalm 104:33-34 -- not done
*  Read 2 chapters in A Woman's Call to Prayer -- DONE!
*  Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows --  not done
*  Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs -- DONE!
*  Keep up a good water intake -- DONE!
*  Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night -- not done
*  Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog -- DONE!
*  Complete homemaking goals for Zone 2, the kitchen, including decluttering, and Zone 5, the living room -- DONE! (for Zone 5, but this week we are back in Zone 2 anyway)
 *  Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do -- DONE!

I'm hoping the Back on Track challenge makes a big difference in what I can accomplish this week!

Back-on-track challenge!

Graphic from The Cottage Market
The weather this weekend was SO hot.  Almost unbearably hot.  It was definitely unseasonably hot.  Then yesterday afternoon we had a violent thunderstorm which cleared the air somewhat.  Today is still warm, but there's a nice breeze and cooler weather is said to be on the way.  Since I'm thinking more clearly, I'm going to begin a back-on-track challenge for myself today.

What's a back-on-track challenge, you wonder?  If you're been visiting at my kitchen table for awhile, you know that periodically I see the need to try and challenge myself to establish better habits in different areas of my life.   I mentioned last week that I was going to try and start out on another of these back-on-track challenges.  I don't want to wait for a new year to try and establish some better habits.  So I am going to try and challenge myself in these four areas:

health and energy -- specifically eating right, exercising, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep
homemaking -- getting back into the routines that work for me; getting better at time management
spiritual life -- especially Bible study, Scripture memory and meditating on Scripture
* creativity -- blogging more often, making some things for home decor, and trying to craft some birthday and Christmas gifts.

The first 2 areas are the biggies -- the ones I am severely off track with.  I'm not doing too badly with the last 2 (at the moment) but I'm going to include them because I can easily get out of balance in trying to zero in on only two areas.  Creativity is a crucial one for me.  If I neglect my spiritual life, I know for sure that it will keep me from doing anything else well.  And for me, neglecting creativity has a negative effect as well.  If I can continue nurturing my God-given creativity, I find that it helps me think creatively about the other aspects of life too, including those that need work.

 I will be starting the challenge today and continuing through the month of June.  I will try and post every day or two as to how I am doing with the four areas.  If anyone cares to join me in this challenge, you are more than welcome!

June Goals

Graphic from Little Birdie Blessings
A few days late!  I intended to post these on Saturday, but the day turned out busier than I expected.  (A frequent occurrence in my life.)  So here are my
* Continue reading through the book of Psalms, journaling as I go.
* Continue reading  A Woman's Call to Prayer
* Memorize at least 4 Bible verses.
* Continue study of 2 Samuel
* Exercise at least 15 times; walk as often as possible
* Get to bed by 9:30 pm each night.
* Limit sugar.
* Drink enough water each day.
* Keep up with Kelly's missions in homemaking zones of the week.
* Spend several hours updating my A-store.
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family.
* Post often in both of my blogs -- probably not daily, but more often than weekly
* Finish some UFO craft projects for the home.
* Finish writing down my memories for faraway grandchildren
* Declutter several closets
* Work on crafts for gifts or sale
* Complete a back-on-track challenge

And here is how May went:
* Continue reading through the book of Psalms, journaling as I go -- DONE! (Of course this is still ongoing)
* Read  A Woman's Call to Prayer -- DONE! (Still ongoing)
* Memorize at least 4 Bible verses -- DONE!
* Continue study of 2 Samuel -- DONE! (Still ongoing)
* Exercise at least 15 times; walk as often as possible -- not done
* Get to bed by 9:30 pm each night -- not done
* Limit sugar -- not done
* Drink enough water each day -- DONE!
* Keep up with Kelly's missions in homemaking zones of the week -- DONE!
* Spend several hours updating my A-store -- not done
* Make at least a dozen items for sale at craft fairs -- not done
* Write at least 4 encouraging notes to friends and family -- DONE!
* Write last 3 pages for summer devotional book -- DONE!
* Post often in both of my blogs -- probably not daily, but more often than weekly -- DONE!
* Finish some UFO craft projects for the home -- partly done
* Finish writing down my memories for faraway grandchildren -- nearly all done
* Declutter several closets -- not done
* Begin preparing Sunday School lesson 1 for new study -- DONE!
* Work on crafts for gifts or sale -- DONE! (Still ongoing)