Blooming in my back yard |
I'm a day late posting this ... and if I don't do it in the next few minutes, a second day will have flown by. Today looks busy (and I guess it goes without saying that yesterday was, too). So, herewith,
my goals for the week:
* Continue with Back on Track challenge
* Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study
* Finish Sunday School lesson 4
* Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook
* Memorize Psalm 9:1-2
* Read 2 chapters in
A Woman's Call to Prayer
* Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows
* Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs
* Keep up a good water intake
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night
* Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog
* Continue planning Christmas in July posts for my Christmas blog
* Complete homemaking goals for Zone 5, the living room, including decluttering
* Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks,
notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time.
* Make some no-bake cookies for my hubby
* Spend time with extended family this weekend
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do
And here's
how last week went:
* Continue with Back on Track challenge -- I've continued with it but it's not going very well
* Spend time in 2 Samuel Bible study -- not done
* Work on Sunday School lesson 4 --DONE!
* Make 2 pages for "What Do I Know About My God"? notebook -- not done
* Memorize Psalm 9:1-2 -- learned verse 1
* Read 2 chapters in
A Woman's Call to Prayer -- read only 1 chapter
* Exercise or go for walks as often as time allows -- not done
* Keep up with crafting goals for birthdays, Christmas, and finishing UFOs --DONE!
* Keep up a good water intake --DONE!
* Get to bed by 9:30 or 10 pm each night --DONE!
* Post once or twice in my Christmas blog and at least five times in my regular blog --DONE!
* Plan Christmas in July posts for my Christmas blog -- got in some good work on this
* Complete homemaking goals for Zone 4, the master bedroom, including decluttering -- not done
* Begin the large project of reorganizing the many piles, stacks,
notebooks and containers full of recipes I've collected over time -- not done
* Bake some cookies for my hubby --DONE!
* Make some strawberry themed book page banners for the kitchen and dining room --DONE!
* Make a daily time schedule for the things I need to do --DONE!
So there you have it. This week looks sort of crazy so I'm not expecting much, but if I aim at nothing, I am sure to hit it! So I'm aiming.