Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Writing Countdown Challenge, Day 49

Wow, a lot of days have gone by since I started this challenge! And not a lot has been accomplished. I've been sick for a week with a bad cold/flu, and just haven't felt like spending a lot of time trying to think. My head has felt stuffed with cotton. However, I simply must get on the ball. 48 days left and 140 pages to produce means that I must now come up with 3 pages each day -- no excuses! Here's what I did today:

* Installed AppleWorks on my computer. Great improvement!

* Finished writing my first daily devotional page.

* Did a bunch of Internet research for more pages.

* Got an idea for the next page I'll write.

That's about it, but I feel as if I have a handle on this project now.

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