Saturday, October 08, 2022

A frugal fall supper


I was looking for a warm and comforting meal the other evening and also happened to have a couple of zucchini languishing in a crisper drawer.  After searching through a few cookbooks and not finding anything that inspired me, I decided to do a search for zucchini recipes on my own blog.

I realized in doing so that I hadn't made this Zucchini Garden Chowder  in years.  I had everything on hand that I needed, and best of all it would neatly use up those two zucchini.  What a good choice!  This is such a delicious, comforting soup.

In my 2010 post I noted that my dad, instead of simply telling me supper was good, as he so often did, surprised me by exclaiming that this soup was delicious.  In tasting it again, I think I know why.  The flavor bears a good bit of resemblance to a "Welsh Rabbit" that my mother used to make occasionally -- a combination of cheddar cheese and tomatoes that she served over toast.  Not a classic Welsh rarebit by any means, but it was a warm and tasty quick meal on occasion.  

When we had the soup this week, my hubby also proclaimed that this was a very good soup.  I hope you'll enjoy this too, if you try it.


  1. It is so helpful when your own blog becomes such a rich resource complete with those wonderful memories. I could enjoy this soup immensely as long as I blenderized it. My texture issues prevent me from even trying many things, but I have discovered that I enjoy all soups with that method. Alas no zucchini languishing in the fridge.

  2. Yes, isn't that so helpful? I've found it such a blessing, especially when away from home, to be able to access recipes through my blog. And yes, the memories too.

    I didn't realize about your texture issues. I'm thankful you can still enjoy soups!


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