Friday, February 02, 2007

Valentine Countdown Challenge, Day 13

Just a few things got done toward the challenge today, but one of them was quite a significant accomplishment! Here's what I got done:

* Picked up some additional wet swiffer wipes so I will be well prepared for all the cleanup extra comings and goings will require. (For those of you not blessed to live where there is snow and ice, understand that we put down sand in our driveways, etc. to make these substances less slippery. If, as we do, you use sand which the town makes available to residents for this purpose, said sand contains salt. Makes quite a mess on floors, but helps greatly with the driveways.)

* Spent a good solid 2 hours cross-stitching on a pillowcase -- made good progress!

* And the biggie -- cleaned and decluttered my entire closet! It looks so much better!

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